Structured Products (Market Linked
Debentures (MLDs)) are tailor-made
investment solutions designed
specifically for investors based on
their risk-return profile. The product
seeks to provide better risk adjusted
returns with efficient taxation.
Structured products (MLDs) can either be 100% capital protected,
partially protected or non-capital protected.
These instruments can be customized as per market view, return
expectations and willingness to take risk. Structured products are
linked to the underlying benchmark performances (Niy, G-sec &
others) and tend to provide relative risk adjusted returns as per the
objective of the structure.
Components of Structured Product
- Underlying Asset: MLDs underlying assets tend to be the
debentures issued by an issuing company. These debentures can be
secured or unsecured. The key risk of MLDs is the underlying assets
credit risk.
- Derivatives: The derivatives component helps determine the
overall risk in the product. Every strategy, from the simplest to the
most complex, is based on the use of derivatives, most oen in the
form of options. Most of the time it is what determines the level of
risk and return. The choice of derivatives will depend on the desired
risk level for the product (capital protection or not), the type of
return and exposure sought and the market conditions.
- Coupon: The Coupon from the strategy depends upon the structure
of the product wether it is pure debt structure, quasi debt structure
or core equity structure. The coupon is always conditional and
linked to underlying benchmark.
Features of Structured Products
- Tenure: Investors are required to stay invested for the tenure of
the Structured Products (MLDs). Though there are MLDs which
are listed but have witnessed low liquidity on exchanges. Tenure
of the MLDs are customised to clients requirements.
- Diversification: Structured Products(MLDs) provide
diversification across asset classes as the same can be modified
for equity linked returns, debt linked returns and even
commodity linked returns to choose from.
- Minimum Investment: Structured Products(MLDs) minimum
ticket size varies from issuer to issuer depending upon the
amount the issuer intends to raise. As these are privately placed
debentures the minimum tickets ought to be around Rs.1 crore.
- Risk: The key risk for Structured Products(MLDs) remains the
underlying asset credit risk. Apart from the same, the MLDs carry
market risk considering their performance linked to underlying
- Types: Structured Products (MLDs) could be principal protected,
partial principal protected, or without any principal protection.